
Monday, November 16, 2015

Is More Security the Answer to Death-Cult Attacks?

Putting it callously, is it the Death-Cults who are getting the biggest bang from our security bucks?

     Like so many on Facebook, I’ve placed a guazey French flag over my profile pic. Somewhere in each of us lurks a bit of the Parisian spirit. So attacks there last week feel a bit personal, no matter where you’re from.
     Security efforts around the world will, no doubt, hit Mach 2. But will this squash today’s Death-Cults?              
     What I saw as a private investigator tells me, “Not likely.”
     Once upon a time I skulked through life trying to catch the bad guys of Wall Street. The company I worked for had a division specializing in corporate security – which included “boots-on-the-ground” guards and the early stumbling efforts at cyber security.
     Our Security Division was the goose that laid the golden egg. Companies dumped shed loads of money in our laps to keep them safe. But here’s what’s odd. It was money poured down a rat hole. Why?
     A company, let’s call it Stultus Corp, decided it wanted security for its operation. They’d hire us. We’d conjure up and implement a sophisticated and quite expensive security plan. Then the game of security Whack-a-Mole would begin. The more security procedures Stultus Corp implemented, the more security problems they had. And the more money they would spend on more security.
     Oddly, it was the same with ever company who hired us. Our CEO was gleefully stupefied that our clients never made the connection that increasing their security measures only begot the need for more security.
     This phenomenon appears to hold true in our fight with terrorism since 9/11. The more money we spend on security, the bigger bang the bad guys give us for our bucks. (298 Words)

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